Related topics: intel

Intel mobile chip strategy could prove costly

Just when Intel Corp. finally is making real progress in the desperate push to get its chips into smartphones and tablets, the tech titan finds itself in a Catch-22.

Google eyes emerging markets networks

Google has become deeply involved in a series of projects to build and operate wireless networks in emerging markets including sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia, a report said Friday.

Taking transistors into a new dimension

A new breakthrough could push the limits of the miniaturization of electronic components further than previously thought possible. A team at the Laboratoire d'Analyse et d'Architecture des Systèmes (LAAS) and Institut d'Électronique, ...

The next network

Microcontrollers are everywhere. Essentially tiny computers that are embedded in machines, they supervise a rapidly-expanding universe of functions. In washing machines, for instance, they may access information embedded ...

Texas Instruments to cut 517 jobs in France

Chipmaker Texas Instruments says will lay off more than 500 people at a research and development plant near Nice, France, in the coming months.

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