Related topics: international space station · space

Cold atom laboratory chills atoms to new lows

( —NASA's Cold Atom Laboratory (CAL) mission has succeeded in producing a state of matter known as a Bose-Einstein condensate, a key breakthrough for the instrument leading up to its debut on the International ...

NASA prepares for 3-D manufacturing in space

( —In preparation for a future where parts and tools can be printed on demand in space, NASA and Made in Space Inc. of Mountain View, Calif., have joined to launch equipment for the the first 3-D microgravity printing ...

Spiders in space -- live!

Ever since they were announced, the spiders in space have been living in the limelight. This is, of course, the point -- to watch and learn as the pair of golden orb spiders, or Nephila clavipes, adapt to living in microgravity ...

The next generation of stem cells

Embryonic stem cells behave very differently outside the pull of Earth's gravity, researchers suggest.

NASA Send Cells Into Space

( -- NASA scientists are sending three fundamental life science experiments onboard space shuttle Discovery in hopes of better understanding exactly how spaceflight affects cell growth and how cells fight off ...

Alternative Energy Crops in Space

( -- What if space held the key to producing alternative energy crops on Earth? That's what researchers are hoping to find in a new experiment on the International Space Station.

NASA to Study Seeds in Space to Understand Plant Growth

( -- NASA scientists hope to better understand exactly how and why plants grow differently in space in an experiment named, Tropi. Future astronauts may be able to grow plants as part of life support systems on ...

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