A portable device for rapid and highly sensitive diagnostics

When remote regions with limited health facilities experience an epidemic, they need portable diagnostic equipment that functions outside the hospital. As demand for such equipment grows, EPFL researchers have developed a ...

Wrapping buildings in a layer of insulating liquid

Large-area fluidic windows use a fluid contained in microchannels to harvest ambient heat and solar energy and manage heat exchange, thereby boosting energy efficiency.

Using microfluidic devices to sort stem cells

While there are no cures for neurological diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, many researchers believe that one could be found in neural stem cells. Unfortunately, scientists do not yet have a full understanding ...

Flowing toward red blood cell breakthroughs

A team of researchers from Brown University and ETH Zurich the Universita da Svizzera Italiana (USI) and Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) is using America's largest, most powerful supercomputer to help understand ...

Creating microchannels with a 3-D printer

Bionanotechnologists from Wageningen University have developed a new, inexpensive way to make microfluidic devices without using costly materials or cleanroom facilities. The technique, which uses a 3D printer and Lego plastic, ...

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