A random access memory for storing living cells

Advances in circuits typically refer to breakthroughs in computers, cell phones, and other advanced electronic devices. However, a more general notion of circuits refers to any integrated system which can move objects along ...

Amazing microdroplet structures may lead to new technologies

Unexpected shapes of mesoscale atoms—structures built of microdroplets encapsulated within microdroplets—have been created at the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, Poland. The ...

Cilia of Vorticella for active microfluidic mixing

Active elements are fundamental components of many microsystems. Traditional elements with nonliving, artificial actuators require an external power source for operation, with magnetic and electric fields necessary to drive ...

Microfluidic breakthrough in biotechnology

Chemical flasks and inconvenient chemostats for cultivation of bacteria are likely soon to be discarded. Researchers from the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw were first to construct ...

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