The butterfly effect in nanotech medical diagnostics

Tiny metallic nanoparticles that shimmer in the light like the scales on a butterfly's wing are set to become the color-change components of a revolutionary new approach to point-of-care medical diagnostics, according to ...

A random access memory for storing living cells

Advances in circuits typically refer to breakthroughs in computers, cell phones, and other advanced electronic devices. However, a more general notion of circuits refers to any integrated system which can move objects along ...

Amazing microdroplet structures may lead to new technologies

Unexpected shapes of mesoscale atoms—structures built of microdroplets encapsulated within microdroplets—have been created at the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, Poland. The ...

A step closer toward revolution in electronics?

A successful development of a microfluidic platform capable of sorting individual carbon nanotubes in new dissertation in physics could possible lead to a revolution in the technology of electronic devices.

Makerspaces could enable widespread adoption of microfluidics

For more than a decade, scientists have publicized the potential of microfluidics to revolutionize the test and analysis of substances ranging from water to DNA. Thousands of journal articles have chronicled researchers' ...

Permselectivity reveals a cool side of nanopores

Researchers from Osaka University investigated the thermal energy changes across nanopores that allow the selective flow of ions. Switching off the flow of ions in one direction led to a cooling effect. The findings have ...

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