No-sweat pressure sensors

Microelectronic chips used to take pressure readings are very delicate. A new technology has been developed that makes pressure sensors more robust, enabling them to continue operating normally at temperatures up to 250 degrees ...

Color sensors for better vision

CMOS image sensors in special cameras -- as used for driver assistance systems -- mostly only provide monochrome images and have a limited sensitivity to light. Thanks to a new production process these sensors can now distinguish ...

Sensor in artery measures blood pressure

( -- High blood pressure can be a trial of patience for doctors and for sufferers, whose blood pressure often has to be monitored over a long time until it can be regulated. This will now be made easier by a pressure ...

DARPA technology identifies counterfeit microelectronics

Advanced software and equipment to aid in the fight against counterfeit microelectronics in U.S. weapons and cybersecurity systems has been transitioned to military partners under DARPA's Integrity and Reliability of Integrated ...

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