Related topics: bacteria

Professors work to quickly, accurately identify deadly bacteria

( —It may sound like science fiction, but the bacterium known as MRSA is very real and very dangerous. MRSA is resistant to antibiotics, making it difficult to treat. Quickly identifying MRSA as the culprit in ...

Even bacteria use social networks

The next time your Facebook stream is filled with cat videos, think about Myxococcus xanthus. The single-cell soil bacterium also uses a social network. But forget silly distractions. M. xanthus relies on its connections ...

The sting in the tail: Chance finding could lead to new antibiotics

( —A whole new class of antibiotics could be possible after a chance discovery by academics at Newcastle University. In a paper published in the journal Molecular Microbiology, the team describe how they were studying ...

Leaf cutter ants inspire powerful new anti-cancer drugs

( —Scientists at the University of East Anglia are developing a new class of anti-cancer drugs that are not only powerful but also circumvent a primary cause of resistance to chemotherapy.

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