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At sea, scientists drill into crater for dino clues

Sharks swim around a platform off Mexico's east coast as scientists drill deep into the ocean floor, extracting the remains of the asteroid widely blamed for the demise of the dinosaurs.

Human beings – and our offices – are crawling with microbes

Humans are crawling with microorganisms – indeed, each of us has our own unique microbial ecosystem, otherwise known as a "microbiome". Microorganisms are the smallest forms of life, and the human microbiome includes bacteria, ...

Microbial mats offer clues to life on early Earth

Ancient clusters of rock that preserve some of the oldest microbes on Earth occasionally possess mysterious branch-like formations. Now, scientists think they know what might have caused this enigmatic branching—changes ...

Tracking microbial mat formation in Yellowstone

Researchers determined the contributions of different microbes toward the establishment of microbial mat communities in the hot and acidic environments of the Yellowstone Hot Springs.

Antiperspirant alters the microbial ecosystem on your skin

Wearing antiperspirant or deodorant doesn't just affect your social life, it substantially changes the microbial life that lives on you. New research finds that antiperspirant and deodorant can significantly influence both ...

Nearing the limits of life on Earth

It took Jackie Goordial over 1000 Petri dishes before she was ready to accept what she was seeing. Or not seeing. Goordial, a post-doctoral fellow in the Department of Natural Resource Sciences at McGill University has spent ...

Project scientist discusses the James Webb Space Telescope

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), scheduled to be launched in October 2018, is expected to yield important scientific breakthroughs in our quest to understand the universe and our origins. JWST, often touted as a successor ...

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