New research identifies prime source of ocean methane

Up to 4 percent of the methane on Earth comes from the ocean's oxygen-rich waters, but scientists have been unable to identify the source of this potent greenhouse gas. Now researchers report that they have found the culprit: ...

Massive data for miniscule communities

It's relatively easy to collect massive amounts of data on microbes. But the files are so large that it takes days to simply transmit them to other researchers and months to analyze once they are received.

Report seeks to integrate microbes into climate models

The models used to understand how Earth's climate works include thousands of different variables from many scientific including atmospherics, oceanography, seismology, geology, physics and chemistry, but few take into consideration ...

New discovery turns seaweed into biofuel in half the time

University of Illinois scientists have engineered a new strain of yeast that converts seaweed into biofuel in half the time it took just months ago. That's a process that's important outside the Corn Belt, said Yong-Su Jin, ...

Gene 'relocation' key to most evolutionary change in bacteria

( -- In a new study, scientists at the University of Maryland and the Institut Pasteur show that bacteria evolve new abilities, such as antibiotic resistance, predominantly by acquiring genes from other bacteria.

Sequenced genomes make good neighbors

( -- To study the proteomes of organisms, a first step often involves using sequenced genomes in conjunction with mass spectrometric measurements for global protein identifications. But, how do you identify the ...

This faster-growing E. coli strain's a good thing

A University of Illinois metabolic engineer has improved a strain of E. coli, making it grow faster. Don't worry, he believes his efforts will benefit human health, not decimate it.

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