New radiolabeling method for personalized cancer treatment

Researchers from TU Delft have found a new method to efficiently make nano carriers loaded with radioactive salts for both imaging and treatment. Because the assembly of these nano carriers is incredibly simple, the innovation ...

Using neutron scattering to better understand milk composition

Neutron scattering is a technique commonly used in physics and biology to understand the composition of complex multicomponent mixtures and is increasingly being used to study applied materials such as food. A new paper published ...

Applying precious metal catalysts economically

Researchers at Ruhr-Universität Bochum and the Fritz Haber Institute Berlin have developed a new method of to conserve rare and expensive catalysts and use them sparingly. They enclosed a precious metal salt in tiny micelles, ...

Shaping crystals with the flow

OIST scientists designed a new method to create crystals using a combination of shear flow and controlled temperature.

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