Gene found that causes eyes to wither in cavefish

Mexican cavefish spend their entire lives in the dark. With no need for vision, many of them lost functional eyes. In more than 30 varieties of Mexican cavefish, the eyes stop developing as embryos grow into larvae. Although ...

Tiny cavefish may help humans evolve to require very little sleep

We all do it; we all need it—humans and animals alike. Sleep is an essential behavior shared by nearly all animals and disruption of this process is associated with an array of physiological and behavioral deficits. Although ...

Large eyes come at a high cost

Researchers from Lund University in Sweden have shown that well-developed eyes come at a surprising cost to other organ systems. The study involving Mexican cavefish shows that the visual system can require between 5% and ...

Jumpy caterpillar shies the Sun (w/ Video)

The larva of a Vietnamese moth has devised a unique form of transport—constructing a leaf cone and thrashing about inside to make it jump, a study showed Wednesday.

Mexico finds 50 skulls in sacred Aztec temple

(AP)—Mexican archaeologists said Friday they uncovered the largest number of skulls ever found in one offering at the most sacred temple of the Aztec empire dating back more than 500 years.

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