A new methodology developed to monitor traffic flow

The most recent edition of the scientific journal Transportation Research Part B, one of the most recognised in its category, has published the research conducted by Iván Guardiola of the University of Science and Technology ...

The movement of proteins

Cristian Micheletti, a scientist of the International School for Advanced Studies of Trieste (SISSA), has published in Physics of Life Reviews a review on an innovative instrument for protein analysis, a method for which ...

Study finds more girls opting out of maths and science

Girls are losing ground in mathematics and science education in NSW, with the number of female students studying no maths for their HSC more than doubling in ten years, according to a new report from the University of Sydney.

Military safety is blowing in the wind

A command doctrine used by the US military and NATO designed to warn personnel of Nuclear, Chemical and Biological (NBC) hazards could be overly conservative and degrade war fighting effectiveness or, under certain conditions, ...

Dutch research set to make electricity grids future-proof

The rise of renewable energy calls for smart electricity networks (smart grids) that can align energy supply and demand. Researchers at the Centre for Telematics and Information Technology (CTIT) at the University of Twente ...

Study IDs new marine protected areas in Madagascar

A new study by the University of California, Berkeley, Wildlife Conservation Society, and others uses a new scientific methodology for establishing marine protected areas in Madagascar that offers a "diversified portfolio" ...

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