Software development: speeding from sketchpad to smooth code

( -- Creating error-free software remains time consuming and labour intensive. A major European research effort has developed a system that speeds software development from the drawing board to high-quality, platform-independent ...

Presidential primary 2008 polls: What went wrong

University of Michigan survey experts working with the American Association for Public Opinion Research have identified several reasons polls picked the wrong winners in the 2008 Presidential Primary.

The movement of proteins

Cristian Micheletti, a scientist of the International School for Advanced Studies of Trieste (SISSA), has published in Physics of Life Reviews a review on an innovative instrument for protein analysis, a method for which ...

Why we're searching England for new dialects

When you meet someone new in person, one of the first things you notice is how they speak—if they speak the same language as you or have a different accent. You'll also notice if they use different dialect words or phrases ...

Is Venus volcanically active? New approach could provide an answer

Out of all planets in the solar system, Venus has the most volcanoes. Much of the planet is covered in volcanic deposits that are less than 300 million years old, and volcanic activity has played a pivotal role in its history. ...

Public restrooms ripe with bacteria, study says

Everyone wonders what bugs might be lurking in public bathrooms. Now researchers are using novel genetic sequencing methods to answer this question, revealing a plethora of bacteria all around, from the doors and the floors ...

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