Researchers link patterns seen in spider silk, melodies

Using a new mathematical methodology, researchers at MIT have created a scientifically rigorous analogy that shows the similarities between the physical structure of spider silk and the sonic structure of a melody, proving ...

Public restrooms ripe with bacteria, study says

Everyone wonders what bugs might be lurking in public bathrooms. Now researchers are using novel genetic sequencing methods to answer this question, revealing a plethora of bacteria all around, from the doors and the floors ...

Software development: speeding from sketchpad to smooth code

( -- Creating error-free software remains time consuming and labour intensive. A major European research effort has developed a system that speeds software development from the drawing board to high-quality, platform-independent ...

Presidential primary 2008 polls: What went wrong

University of Michigan survey experts working with the American Association for Public Opinion Research have identified several reasons polls picked the wrong winners in the 2008 Presidential Primary.

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