Related topics: carbon dioxide

Major source of methanol in the ocean identified

As one of the most abundant organic compounds on the planet, methanol occurs naturally in the environment as plants release it as they grow and decompose. It is also found in the ocean, where it is a welcome food source for ...

Chemistry for the methanol economy

Unstable crude oil prices and limited oil resources have made the production of petrochemicals from methanol increasingly popular—above all in China. Scientists at ETH Zurich have now deciphered the complex chemistry behind ...

Pouring fire on fuels at the nanoscale

There are no magic bullets for global energy needs. But fuel cells in which electrical energy is harnessed directly from live, self-sustaining chemical reactions promise cheaper alternatives to fossil fuels.

'Nano-raspberries' could bear fruit in fuel cells

Researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology have developed a fast, simple process for making platinum 'nano-raspberries'—microscopic clusters of nanoscale particles of the precious metal. The berry-like ...

Ferry operator Stena Line tests running ship on methanol

Swedish ferry operator Stena Line says it has converted one of its ships to enable it to run on methanol, testing the potential of the environmentally friendly fuel for the shipping industry.

New concept of fuel cell for efficiency and environment

The Center for Nanoparticle Research at the Institute for Basic Science (IBS) has succeeded in proposing a new method to enhance fuel cell efficiency with the simultaneous removal of toxic heavy metal ions.

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