Related topics: nasa

Keeping astronauts safe from meteroids

Every day, about 100 tons of meteoroids bombard the Earth's atmosphere. These tiny particles can cause serious damage to spacecraft and astronauts alike. So how do we ensure the safety of space explorers and the important ...

Saturday's Draconid meteors may be no-see-ums

(AP) -- Heads-up, meteor fans. As many as 750 meteors an hour are expected Saturday, as Earth travels through streams of dust and ice from Comet Giacobini-Zinner. The comet passes through the inner solar system every seven ...

Meteor showers in Asia disappoint

(AP) -- Thousands of stargazers across Asia stayed awake overnight to catch a glimpse of what was advertised as an intense Leonid meteor shower, but the show fizzled rather than sizzled for many because of cloudy conditions.

Meteoroid explodes over Russia without warning

A meteoroid exploded over the city of Lipetsk in western Russia last week without warning, lighting up the summer sky with a bright flash. While some enjoyed the light show, others are worried that we didn't see it coming.

Can meteor showers be dangerous to spacecraft?

We've all read the advice that during a meteor shower there is no equipment needed. All you need to do is lay back and wonder at one of the most spectacular sights the universe has to offer. That's about it though and while ...

New meteor shower "just a memory" of what once was there

The weak display of last month's Camelopardalids meteor shower, the result of the close passage of comet 209P/LINEAR, may have disappointed backyard observers, but this never-before-seen shower now has scientists excited. ...

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