Ancient tsunami evidence on Mars reveals life potential

The geologic shape of what were once shorelines through Mars' northern plains convinces scientists that two large meteorites - hitting the planet millions of years apart - triggered a pair of mega-tsunamis. These gigantic ...

Could a meteorite really have killed a bus driver in India?

There is nothing more certain in life than death – a cheerful thought for a dismal February. Even though we are aware of that inevitability, we don't expect death literally to strike out of an empty sky, which reportedly ...

Ancient minerals on Earth can help explain the early solar system

A new discovery of an extremely rare mineral, called reidite, from a layer of rock in the North West Highlands of Scotland may seem utterly insignificant on first glance. But this occurrence of reidite has major implications ...

Globally unique double crater identified in Sweden

Researchers at the University of Gothenburg have found traces of two enormous meteorite impacts in the Swedish county of Jämtland, a twin strike that occurred around 460 million years ago.

Meteorite impacts can create DNA building blocks

A new study shown that meteorite impacts on ancient oceans may have created nucleobases and amino acids. Researchers from Tohoku University, National Institute for Materials Science and Hiroshima University discovered this ...

Using meteorite impacts to study seismic waves on Mars

(—Earth scientist Nick Teanby with the University of Bristol in the U.K. has come up with a novel way to measure seismic waves traveling through the under-surface of Mars—use data from meteorite impacts. In his ...

What created this huge crater in Siberia?

What is it with Russia and explosive events of cosmic origins? The 1908 Tunguska Explosion, the Chelyabinsk bolide of February 2013, and now this: an enormous 80-meter wide crater discovered in the Yamal peninsula in northern ...

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