Ancient crater points to massive meteorite strike

The discovery of an ancient ring-like structure in southern Alberta suggests the area was struck by a meteorite large enough to leave an eight-kilometre-wide crater, producing an explosion strong enough to destroy present-day ...

Moon rocks reveal surprising meteorite history

A WA geologist analyzing lunar rock samples collected during the Apollo missions has uncovered evidence of a huge meteorite strike 4.2 billion years ago.

Mapping the demise of the dinosaurs

About 65 million years ago, an asteroid or comet crashed into a shallow sea near what is now the Yucatán Peninsula of Mexico. The resulting firestorm and global dust cloud caused the extinction of many land plants and large ...

Life may have arrived from space

New research shows that organic molecules, on which life is based, can survive the impact from a meteorite.

First study results of Russian Chelyabinsk meteor published

The meteor that exploded over Chelyabinsk, Russia in February 2013 was "a wake-up call," according to a University of California, Davis scientist who participated in analyzing the event. The work is published November 7, ...

Meteorite minerals hint at earth extinctions, climate change

A huge asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs may not have been the only cosmic event to cause mass extinctions or change Earth's climate. Tiny minerals leftover from many smaller meteorites could provide the geological evidence ...

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