Scientists find oldest Martian meteorite's original home

Scientists announced Tuesday they had found the crater from which the oldest known Martian meteorite was originally blasted towards Earth, a discovery that could provide clues into how our own planet was formed.

How rare minerals form when meteorites slam into Earth

The discovery of a rare mineral (reidite) at the Woodleigh meteorite impact structure in Western Australia was published this week by Curtin University honours student Morgan Cox and colleagues.

Ancient minerals on Earth can help explain the early solar system

A new discovery of an extremely rare mineral, called reidite, from a layer of rock in the North West Highlands of Scotland may seem utterly insignificant on first glance. But this occurrence of reidite has major implications ...

Small meteorite strikes Nicaragua, government says

Nicaragua's government said Sunday that a mysterious boom heard overnight in the capital was made by a small meteorite that left a crater in a wooded area near Managua's airport.

66-yard crater appears in far northern Siberia

Russian scientists say they believe a 60-meter (66-yard) wide crater discovered recently in far northern Siberia could be the result of changing temperatures in the region.

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