Toward ultra-sensitive diagnostic chips

An international team, led by Swinburne researchers, has developed an ultra-thin nanostructure gold film—or metasurface—with the potential to revolutionize next-generation bio-sensing chips.

Harnessing photonics for at-home disease detection

In the not-too-distant future, people may have a simple device that monitors and reports health indicators, identifies even trace amounts of undesirable biomarkers in the blood or saliva and serves as an early warning system ...

Color-selective, three-dimensional polarization structures

Polarization has been a central concept to our understanding of optics and has found many applications ranging from quantum science to our daily life. 3D polarization structures possess peculiar optical features and extra ...

Looking at optical Fano resonances under a new light

In 1961, physicist Ugo Fano provided the first theoretical explanation to an anomalous asymmetry observed in the spectral profiles of noble gases. He put forth an impactful interpretation of this phenomenon, now called 'Fano ...

Present and future of nonlinear optical metasurfaces

One of the main objectives of optics is the control of light propagation and confinement. Progress in optics historically started with the development of bulky lenses and mirrors, then prisms and gratings, and so on. The ...

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