Organic crystal demonstrates superelasticity

( —Not only rubber is elastic: There is also another, completely different form of elasticity known as superelasticity. This phenomenon results from a change in crystal structure and was previously only found in ...

Probing metal solidification nondestructively

( —Los Alamos researchers and collaborators have used nondestructive imaging techniques to study the solidification of metal alloy samples. The team used complementary methods of proton radiography at the Los Alamos ...

Shape-shifting alloys hold promise

Imagine untwisting a finger-size spring, then holding the flame from a lighter underneath the unraveled section. Like magic, it twirls itself into a spring again because the metal alloy remembered its original shape.

Playing with glass safely—and making it stronger

( —Researchers at Yale have developed a way to alter the microanatomy of glass and measure how the changes affect the material's overall character—offering new possibilities for tailoring glass with unusual strength ...

Scientists reveal structure of a supercooled liquid

If a liquid metal alloy is cooled slowly it will eventually form a solid phase. Before it solidifies, however, the liquid undergoes a liquid-liquid transition to a phase in which it has the same concentration but a more ...

X-ray laser explores how to write data with light

( —Using laser light to read and write magnetic data by quickly flipping tiny magnetic domains could help keep pace with the demand for faster computing devices.

In probing mysteries of glass, researchers find a key to toughness

Glass doesn't have to be brittle. Scientists propose a way of predicting whether a given glass will be brittle or ductile—a property typically associated with metals like steel or aluminum—and assert that any glass could ...

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