Ultrasensitive photon hunter

When it comes to imaging, every single photon counts if there is barely any available light. This is the point where the latest technologies often reach their limits. Researchers have now developed a diode that can read photons ...

Highly energy-efficient CMOS logic systems

Non-volatile bistable memory circuits being developed by Satoshi Sugahara and his team at Tokyo Tech pave the way for highly energy-efficient CMOS logic systems. The details are described in the February 2013 issue of Tokyo ...

Image sensors for extreme temperatures

Image sensors which are used as electronic parking aids in cars or for quality control in production systems have to be able to withstand the often very high temperatures that prevail in these environments. Research scientists ...

A small-scale solution with a large-scale impact

(Phys.org)—Microchips are per­va­sive in today's high-​​tech society, playing inte­gral roles in the inner work­ings of your cell phone to your Keurig coffee machine.

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