Researchers create a glass that sifts carbon dioxide

Separating carbon dioxide molecules from gas mixtures requires materials with extremely fine pores. Researchers from Friedrich Schiller University Jena, in cooperation with the University of Leipzig and the University of ...

Light opens and closes windows in membranes

Researchers of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and Uni-versität Hannover developed novel membranes, whose selectivity can be switched dynamically with the help of light. For this pur-pose, azobenzene molecules were ...

Nanoparticles: Acidic alert

Researchers at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet (LMU) in Munich have synthesized nanoparticles that can be induced by a change in pH to release a deadly dose of ionized iron within cells. This mechanism could potentially open ...

'Seeding' the next generation of smart materials

( -- Scientists at CSIRO have developed a simple but effective technique for growing and adding value to an exciting new group of smart materials which could be used in areas such as optical sensing and drug storage ...

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