A designer enzyme for alternative energy

(Phys.org) —Imagine pulling energy out of thin air. Yi Lu and his colleagues are on that path, in a quest to find alternatives to fossil fuels. The team has designed an enzyme that can harvest the energy of atmospheric ...

Research opportunities plentiful for next generation batteries

(Phys.org) —In the opening scene of the iconic movie of the 1960s, The Graduate, Benjamin Braddock, at a party to celebrate his college degree, is given one word of advice for his future: "Plastics." Were young Benjamin ...

Attacking MRSA with metals from antibacterial clays

In the race to protect society from infectious microbes, the bugs are outrunning us. The need for new therapeutic agents is acute, given the emergence of novel pathogens as well as old foes bearing heightened antibiotic resistance.

Dust involved in sulfate production in clouds

(Phys.org) —A new study from Germany has studied the tiny dust particles within clouds and their influence on the climate. The influence of dust particles on cloud formation and on the chemical reactions within clouds has ...

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