Nearby ancient star is almost as old as the Universe

A metal-poor star located merely 190 light-years from the Sun is 14.46+-0.80 billion years old, which implies that the star is nearly as old as the Universe! Those results emerged from a new study led by Howard Bond. Such ...

Earthworms soak up heavy metal

Earthworms could be used to extract toxic heavy metals, including cadmium and lead, from solid waste from domestic refuse collection and waste from vegetable and flower markets, according to researchers writing in the International ...

Soil scientists use mining waste to restore manmade wasteland

Soil scientists and chemists from RUDN University, together with colleagues from the Kola Science Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, have developed and tested a method of ecosystem restoration in the sub-Arctic technogenic ...

Urban gardens and human health

Researchers from UPM the assess the human health risk of exposure to metals in urban gardens by assessing their oral bioaccessibility.

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