Oats to clean up heavy metals in contaminated soil

Researchers from universities in China, Switzerland and Australia have identified that the naked oat is best suited to remove radioactive strontium from contaminated soils.

Computer power clicks with geochemistry

Sandia National Laboratories is developing computer models that show how radioactive waste interacts with soil and sediments, shedding light on waste disposal and how to keep contamination away from drinking water.

Saving Earth's water from toxic waste

Scientists have devised a better way to protect groundwater from acids, heavy metals and toxic chemicals, helping to secure the Earth's main freshwater supply.

Pickling tape for local pre-treatment of aluminum

A new self-adhesive tape simplifies the process of pickling aluminum surfaces. It is safer than existing treatment methods involving pickling pastes, sprays or baths, because there is no rinsing stage and hence no need for ...

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