Using mathematical methods to study complex biological networks

Complex biological processes such as metabolism often involve thousands of compounds coupled by chemical reactions. These process chains are described by researchers as chemical reaction networks. Researchers from the University ...

Mini synthetic organism instead of test animals

In medical research, animal-based experiments have thus far been a necessary evil. Fraunhofer researchers have developed a highly promising alternative, however: They are developing a mini-organism inside a chip. This way, ...

Researchers discover a new switch in resistance to plant diseases

Powdery mildew is a tricky pathogen: The fungus can manipulate barley in a way that it is not only granted entry into the plant, but also gets the plant's cells to supply it with nutrients. A team of researchers at Technische ...

Kittens: Their microbiomes are what they eat

For animals as well as people, diet affects what grows in the gut. The gut microbial colonies, also known as the gut microbiome, begin to form at birth. Their composition affects how the immune system develops and is linked ...

Fitness for toad sperm: The secret is to mate frequently

An increasing number of men suffer from fertility problems, especially in western society. The general belief is that many problems may be related to stress but it is possible that some of them may arise because men simply ...

Real-time solid-state NMR spectroscopy inside living cells

Researchers from the Leiden Institute of Chemistry show proof of principle that live-cell structural changes and metabolic processes can be followed in real time with NMR spectroscopy. They performed their study on photosynthetic ...

Researchers establish atlas of lipids in living organisms

In an effort intended to accelerate research into lipids, a research group led by scientists from the RIKEN Center for Integrative Medical Sciences (IMS), the RIKEN Center for Sustainable Resource Science (CSRS), and the ...

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