SRC-3 is a key regulator of the 12-hour clock

Many people have heard of the circadian rhythms or biological processes that follow a 24-hour cycle. Sleeping at night and being awake during the day is a well-known example of a circadian rhythm. Less well known are the ...

How bacteria cope with stress

When exposed to stress, bacteria allow their metabolism to take a break during which they suppress, for example, the incorporation of proteins into membranes. Scientists from Marburg, Freiburg and Munich have discovered this ...

Real-time solid-state NMR spectroscopy inside living cells

Researchers from the Leiden Institute of Chemistry show proof of principle that live-cell structural changes and metabolic processes can be followed in real time with NMR spectroscopy. They performed their study on photosynthetic ...

Protein machinery of respiration becomes visible

Oxygen and sugar are the basis of life for animals, plants, fungi and many bacteria. The metabolic process called respiration makes it possible to convert food into energy for the cells. Biochemist Prof. Dr. Carola Hunte ...

'Feeling' the living cell's life cycle using optical tweezers

Living cells are the basic building blocks of all organisms. We, as humans, are essentially a collection of trillions of living cells: and all these cells emerge from a single fertilized egg. This means that "mitosis" (or ...

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