Video: Mars confinement tips

In these times of confinement, ESA astronaut support engineer Romain Charles shares nine tips on how to live in isolation—he spent 520 days locked in a mockup spacecraft and is a true expert on the subject.

How groups best work together

When a group works on a task in harmony, and in a perfectly coordinated and seemingly effortless way, as if in flow, this optimal state is known as group flow. Group flow is not only apparent in team sports; it can be observed ...

First wireless map of worm's nervous system revealed

Researchers have built the first ever map showing how every single neuron in the nervous system of a tiny worm communicates wirelessly. This huge step forward in understanding how neurons communicate through extremely short ...

How young chickens play can indicate how they feel

It is common for young animals, in particular mammals, to play. Researchers at Linköping University (LiU) in Sweden have for the first time mapped the development of play in young chickens. The results, published in Scientific ...

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