Related topics: mental health · depression · women · adolescents · children

The stresses and strains of work and unemployment

A stressful workplace can damage your health. But so too can being out of work. Cambridge researchers are trying to understand why both situations can be detrimental to our health and wellbeing – and help employers and ...

What drugs are students taking and why are they taking them?

For many students, the move away to university is the first time living away from home. And with all the freedoms independent living entails, it's maybe not surprising then that drug use tends to be much higher among students ...

Seduction: An industry selling men and women short

An industry training men in the art of seduction—estimated to be worth $100 million USD—encourages its clients to treat women and themselves as commodities in a sexual marketplace, a new study has found.

Smart rollator motivates elderly to exercise more

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland and Orton are exploring the benefits and impacts of technology in motivating seniors to increase physical activity. This is being done in the new MoveRoll project, funded by the Academy ...

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