Cutting the cloud computing carbon cost

Cloud computing involves displacing data storage and processing from the user's computer on to remote servers. It can provide users with more storage space and computing power that they can then access from anywhere in the ...

Better, cheaper, faster ways for making (and destroying) memories

For literary types, memory is often linked with Marcel Proust's madeleine cookie, which, in a single bite, launches a nostalgic reverie that lasts through seven volumes. But for scientists and engineers at the University ...

Cats and humans suffer from similar forms of epilepsy

Epilepsy arises when the brain is temporarily swamped by uncoordinated signals from nerve cells.  Research at the Vetmeduni Vienna has now uncovered a cause of a particular type of epilepsy in cats.  Surprisingly, an incorrectly ...

Bacterial immune system has a better memory than expected

Bacteria's memories of hostile viruses are stronger than thought. Even when the intruders change their DNA sequence, the immune system of bacteria can recognise these and subsequently destroy them. That is the conclusion ...

Samsung steps up push into autonomous driving technology

Samsung Electronics Co. said Thursday it will invest 75 million euro ($89 million) in TTTech, a Vienna, Austria-based company that makes autonomous driving technologies and safety controls for Audi cars and others, stepping ...

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