Crystal quantum memories for quantum communication

Research into the strange phenomenon known as quantum entanglement - once described as 'spooky' by Albert Einstein - could revolutionise ICT over the coming years, enabling everything from ultra-fast computing to completely ...

Cost-saving computer chips get smaller than ever

Not so long ago, a computer filled a whole room and radio receivers were as big as washing machines. In recent decades, electronic devices have shrunk considerably in size and this trend is expected to continue, leading to ...

An electrical switch for magnetism (w/ Video)

Researchers at MIT have developed a new way of controlling the motion of magnetic domains—the key technology in magnetic memory systems, such as a computer's hard disk. The new approach requires little power to write and ...

Neural activity in bats measured in-flight

Animals navigate and orient themselves to survive – to find food and shelter or avoid predators, for example. Research conducted by Dr. Nachum Ulanovsky and research student Michael Yartsev of the Weizmann Institute's Neurobiology ...

Better, cheaper, faster ways for making (and destroying) memories

For literary types, memory is often linked with Marcel Proust's madeleine cookie, which, in a single bite, launches a nostalgic reverie that lasts through seven volumes. But for scientists and engineers at the University ...

Highly energy-efficient CMOS logic systems

Non-volatile bistable memory circuits being developed by Satoshi Sugahara and his team at Tokyo Tech pave the way for highly energy-efficient CMOS logic systems. The details are described in the February 2013 issue of Tokyo ...

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