Silicon oxide memories transcend a hurdle

A Rice University laboratory pioneering memory devices that use cheap, plentiful silicon oxide to store data has pushed them a step further with chips that show the technology's practicality.

An electrical switch for magnetism (w/ Video)

Researchers at MIT have developed a new way of controlling the motion of magnetic domains—the key technology in magnetic memory systems, such as a computer's hard disk. The new approach requires little power to write and ...

Quantum storage system with long-term memory

( -- Credit cards which are completely fraud-proof and passports which cannot be forged: quantum physics could make both of these possible. This is explained by the fact that the quantum mechanical state of a particle, ...

Physicists demonstrate a four-fold quantum memory

Researchers at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) have demonstrated quantum entanglement for a quantum state stored in four spatially distinct atomic memories.

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