Magnetic vortices with electric sense

In the field of magnetic materials, a rapidly expanding area of study concerns stable nanometer-scale spin arrangements. Spins are the fundamental magnetic entities in solids, and patterns made of several spins could be useful ...

Pressure sensor array made with polyamino acid

Japanese researchers from the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), have developed an all-printed flexible pressure sensor in collaboration with Ajinomoto Co., Inc.

The path from stem cell to maturity

Regulation of gene expression is essential to make sure cell maturation occurs as it should. European research is taking an integrated perspective on how selected steps in liver and blood cell differentiation can be modulated.

Combining opposing properties for synergistic function

The properties of nanomaterials often differ in novel ways from those of the bulk material of the same substances. European researchers investigated a completely new class of such materials that could be important for magnetic ...

An unlikely route to ferroelectricity

( -- Ferroelectricity, which was first observed in the 1940s, is an interesting phenomenon involving the spontaneous (non-induced) formation of charge polarization (separation of charge) in certain materials. This ...

Magnetic spin on non-magnetic materials

( -- Nanotechnologists from the University of Twente's MESA+ and MIRA research institutes have developed a method for incorporating magnetic elements into non-magnetic materials in a highly controlled way. Using ...

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