Move over, silicon switches: There's a new way to compute

Logic and memory devices, such as the hard drives in computers, now use nanomagnetic mechanisms to store and manipulate information. Unlike silicon transistors, which have fundamental efficiency limitations, they require ...

New robots help humans cope with illness

Robots that can cook, dance to Michael Jackson songs or guide the blind are among the gadgets aimed at helping humans cope with illnesses on display in Spain at one of the world's biggest annual gatherings of new technology ...

Mapping the 'memory loss' of disinformation in fact checks

Fact-checking is an important tool in the fight against online disinformation that can have serious implications for individuals and society by influencing elections, conflict and health. However, according to a survey conducted ...

On Mexico's Caribbean coast, mountains of seaweed grow

Scraping the smelly sargassum seaweed off some beaches on Mexico's resort-studded Caribbean coast has become not only a nightmare, but possibly a health threat, for the workers doing it—with the quantities washing ashore ...

SARS-CoV-2 hijacks nanotubes between neurons to infect them

COVID-19 often leads to neurological symptoms, such as a loss of taste or smell, or cognitive impairments (including memory loss and concentration difficulties), both during the acute phase of the disease and over the long ...

Allow children to play in nature on their own more often

Places to play outdoors for children are increasingly located in the built-up environment and often look gray, with few natural elements. However, nature can add something, especially in outdoor play areas where children ...

How listening to random sound can unlock a trapped mind

David Tobin took to the stage at a recent technology conference in downtown Los Angeles, asked the 500 attendees to close their eyes, and turned up the sound so they could sample his wares: a textured, layered soundscape ...

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