Related topics: data storage

Rutgers team has ring prototype for touch authentication

(—What about using the same mobile device touchscreens used every day for direct authentication? What if your touch alone identifies you by code from the ring on your finger? A team from the WINLAB at Rutgers ...

Driving an electron spin vortex "Skyrmion" with a microcurrent

RIKEN and the National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) have succeeded in forming a skyrmion crystal in which electron spin is aligned in a vortex shape in a microdevice using the helimagnet FeGe. The skyrmion crystal ...

Magnetic vortices with electric sense

In the field of magnetic materials, a rapidly expanding area of study concerns stable nanometer-scale spin arrangements. Spins are the fundamental magnetic entities in solids, and patterns made of several spins could be useful ...

Twitter co-founders create online publishing site

A website launched by Twitter co-founders as a publishing platform for stories, memories and news was open Wednesday to members of the hit one-to-many text messaging service.

Samsung begins producing fastest embedded NAND storage

Samsung Electronics announced today that it has now begun volume production of an ultra-fast embedded memory for smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices in 16-, 32- and 64-gigabyte (GB) densities.

Combining opposing properties for synergistic function

The properties of nanomaterials often differ in novel ways from those of the bulk material of the same substances. European researchers investigated a completely new class of such materials that could be important for magnetic ...

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