Method for printing memory circuits directly

VTT has developed a method for printing memory circuits directly, e.g. onto consumer packaging. Because the required production technology is quite simple, no major investments are required.

Cheaper substrates made of oxide materials

Imagine building cheaper electronics on a variety of substrates -- materials like plastic, paper, or fabric. Researchers at Taiwan's National Chiao Tung University have made a discovery that opens this door, allowing them ...

Highly energy-efficient CMOS logic systems

Non-volatile bistable memory circuits being developed by Satoshi Sugahara and his team at Tokyo Tech pave the way for highly energy-efficient CMOS logic systems. The details are described in the February 2013 issue of Tokyo ...

Computer model helps make sense of human memory

Brains are a mazy network of overlapping circuits—some pathways encourage activity while others suppress it. While earlier studies focused more on excitatory circuits, inhibitory circuits are now understood to play an equally ...

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