A new look at proteins in living cells

(Phys.org)—Proteins adorning the surfaces of human cells perform an array of essential functions, including cell signaling, communication and the transport of vital substances into and out of cells. They are critical targets ...

New look at cell membrane reveals surprising organization

Sight would dramatically alter a blind man's understanding of an elephant, according to the old story. Now, a look directly at a cell surface is changing our understanding of cell membrane organization.

Surface waves can help nanostructured devices keep their cool

Due to the continuing progress in miniaturization of silicon microelectronic and photonic devices, the cooling of device structures is increasingly challenging. Conventional heat transport in bulk materials is dominated by ...

Discovering cell surface proteins' behaviour

(Phys.org)—A Simon Fraser University chemist is the lead author on a new paper that advances scientific understanding of the structure and function of glycoproteins, in particular the number and positioning of sugars on ...

Protein structure: Peering into the transit pore

The lipid-rich membranes of cells are largely impermeable to proteins, but evolution has provided a way through – in the form of transmembrane tunnels. A new study shows in unmatched detail what happens as proteins pass ...

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