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In HP split, each unit to face a test

If you cut one slow-moving mega-company in half, do you get two fast-moving innovators? Not even Meg Whitman, chief executive of Hewlett-Packard Co., is promising that. Whitman announced Monday that the computer industry ...

HP cutting at least 850 jobs in Germany

US computer giant Hewlett-Packard said Friday it was closing its enterprise software operation in Ruesselsheim, Germany, in a move eliminating at least 850 jobs.

HP CEO Whitman assumes chairman's role

Hewlett-Packard said Thursday that chief executive Meg Whitman would chair the US tech giant, after the resignation of non-executive chairman Ralph Whitworth.

HP raises CEO Whitman's salary to $1.5M from $1

Hewlett-Packard is giving CEO Meg Whitman a huge pay raise as she enters the third year of her attempt to turn around the slumping personal computer and printer maker.

HP's Autonomy deal highlights pattern of bad ideas

Hewlett-Packard's $9.7 billion acquisition of Autonomy seemed like a bad idea long before Tuesday's allegations of an accounting scandal made clear it was a deal that should never have happened.

Can Hewlett-Packard survive the tablet trend?

Personal computer sales have been in a slump for years, as customers flock to increasingly powerful smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices. Now Hewlett-Packard, the Silicon Valley stalwart that was once the world's ...

Whitman pledges not in Craigslist contract

(AP) -- Assurances that former eBay CEO Meg Whitman gave Craigslist's officials before eBay bought into the online classifieds company were never put in writing, the founder of Craigslist acknowledged Friday.

HP's long-term turnaround could test investors' patience

Like some gargantuan supertanker that's blundered in the wrong direction, Hewlett-Packard's storied yet faltering business is expected to take nearly half a decade to turn around, but a looming question is whether investors ...

Whitman says eBay didn't misuse Craigslist data

(AP) -- Former eBay CEO Meg Whitman said Monday she was unaware of any attempt by the Internet marketplace to misuse confidential data from Craigslist to help eBay develop a competing online classifieds business.

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