Subordinate animals as guinea pigs

Subordinate animals must face higher risks than dominant ones Dominant meerkat females yield to their subaltern group members when faced with a dangerous obstacle: as a group of these animals reaches a road, a "guinea pig" ...

Meerkats have ability to distinguish different voices

( -- Vocal recognition is widespread in primates but a new study, published in Biology Letters, provides evidence that it may not be limited to humans and primates. The ability to recognize the voice of another ...

Tradition explains why some meerkats are late risers

( -- Just as afternoon tea is traditional in England but not in France, different groups of meerkats have different ways of doing things, Cambridge zoologists have found.

Scientists monitor meerkats' response to returning zoo visitors

Experts in animal behavior at Nottingham Trent University, Harper Adams University and Twycross Zoo studied the behavior of meerkats at several zoos both during lockdown when there were suddenly no visitors, and then again ...

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