Nokia's new flagship N9 gets mixed reviews

Nokia's latest attempt to win back market share with its N9 phone received mixed reviews Wednesday but analysts said the real test will come when it releases new models using the Windows Phone 7 operating system.

Key Automobile Alliance Chooses MeeGo For Cars

The Linux Foundation today announced that GENIVI, an auto-alliance driving the adoption of In-Vehicle Infotainment (IVI), will adopt MeeGo as the standard software environment for IVI systems built by car companies including ...

Finnish start-up launches smartphone to rival giants

A group of ex-Nokia employees who quit over the company's decision to abandon the planned MeeGo operating system in favour of Windows presented their own smartphone on Monday, hoping to rival the sector's giants.

Ex-staff challenge Nokia with new Finnish smartphone

A group of ex-Nokia employees who quit over the company's decision to abandon the planned MeeGo operating system in favour of Windows plan to launch their own smartphone next year, their start-up said on Wednesday.

Nokia's technology chief 'quits over strategy'

Nokia's head of technology has taken a leave of absence and is not coming back over disagreement over a new group strategy, Finland's leading daily Helsingin Sanomat reported on Thursday.

Intel opens software app store, offers new Atom chips

During keynote presentations today at the Intel Developer Forum, Intel executives outlined several software- and hardware-related efforts as the company intensifies its System-on-a-Chip (SoC) product plans based on the Intel ...


MeeGo is a Linux-based open source mobile operating system project. Primarily targeted at mobile devices and information appliances in the consumer electronics market, MeeGo is designed to act as an operating system for hardware platforms such as netbooks, entry-level desktops, nettops, tablet computers, mobile computing and communications devices, in-vehicle infotainment devices, SmartTV / ConnectedTV, IPTV-boxes, smart phones, and other embedded systems. MeeGo is currently hosted by the Linux Foundation.

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