Possible relics of lost WWII US bomber, crew found in Italy

An archaeological dig in Sicily has uncovered traces of a lost World War II American heavy bomber shot down in 1943, and possible human remains that could lead to identification of five airmen whose bodies were never recovered.

ReNature launches new nature-based solutions support toolkit

The ReNature project is proud to announce the release of an interactive online toolkit designed to guide experts and non-experts in the implementation of nature-based solutions. The newly launched service is a feature of ...

Greece facing 'ecological disaster' from raging wildfires

Hundreds of firefighters battled Thursday to contain new flare-ups in wildfire-ravaged areas of Greece, where summer infernos have caused what the prime minister described as the country's "greatest ecological disaster in ...

Northern Hemisphere summers may last nearly half the year by 2100

Without efforts to mitigate climate change, summers spanning nearly six months may become the new normal by 2100 in the Northern Hemisphere, according to a new study. The change would likely have far-reaching impacts on agriculture, ...

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