Earth from Space: Santiago, Chile

Santiago lies in the center of Chile's most densely populated region, the Santiago Metropolitan Region, with a population around eight million, of which five million live in the city's urban area. Santiago is spread over ...

Climate change and rising seas threaten Egypt's breadbasket

Sayed Abuel-Ezz has seen his crops wither from seawater before. As the Nile Delta farmer walks among his mango trees on his land not far from the Mediterranean Sea, he worries it will happen again despite spending the equivalent ...

An ultrafine network for rivers

How are species richness and the characteristics of running waters related worldwide? This question is being addressed by a team led by IGB scientist Sami Domisch. The researchers have developed the highest-resolution map ...

Why Europe is so vulnerable to heat waves

This year saw high-temperature records shattered across much of Europe, as crops withered in the fields due to widespread drought. Is this a harbinger of things to come as the Earth's climate steadily warms up?

France struggles with drought over punishing summer of heat

From farmers to fishermen, boat owners to ordinary households, communities across France are struggling with a severe drought that has seen an unprecedented number of regions affected by water restrictions this summer.

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