Harnessing the petabyte at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

The petabyte—a quantity of digital information 12 orders of magnitude greater than the lowly kilobyte—looms large as a future standard for data. To glean knowledge from this deluge of data, a team of researchers at the ...

Reducing computer viruses in health networks

The hospital IT networks and medical devices that doctors rely on to treat patients are susceptible to their own maladies—computer viruses and other malware.

New coating turns ordinary glass into super glass

A new transparent, bioinspired coating makes ordinary glass tough, self-cleaning and incredibly slippery, a team from the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University and Harvard School of Engineering ...

Ecological forces structure your body's personal mix of microbes

(Phys.org) —Environmental conditions have a much stronger influence on the mix of microbes living in various parts of your body than does competition between species. Instead of excluding each other, microbes that fiercely ...

3D printing tiny batteries

(Phys.org) —3D printing can now be used to print lithium-ion microbatteries the size of a grain of sand. The printed microbatteries could supply electricity to tiny devices in fields from medicine to communications, including ...

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