Medical drones for accident and emergency

Remote or computer-controlled aircraft, commonly referred to as "drones" could revolutionize the way in which emergency medical supplies, such as bags of blood plasma, are delivered to areas hit by disaster, accidents or ...

Knobbly knees in competition with fingerprints

Forget digital fingerprints, iris recognition and voice identification, the next big thing in biometrics could be your knobbly knees. Just as a fingerprints and other body parts are unique to us as individuals and so can ...

Med-tech trade group launches online cybersecurity tool

Cybersecurity events like 2016's NotPetya ransomware attack tend to arrive in bursts of confusion and concern, but the hard work of mitigating cybersecurity risks in health care technology is embedded in the daily grind of ...

Detecting program-tampering in the cloud

For small and midsize organizations, the outsourcing of demanding computational tasks to the cloud—huge banks of computers accessible over the Internet—can be much more cost-effective than buying their own hardware. But ...

How parents can support their trans children

Young transgender, or trans, people face high rates of anxiety, depression and suicide. These elevated mental health risks largely stem from external factors such as discrimination, victimization and—most especially—family ...

Hurricane risk perception drops after storms hit, study shows

Programs and policies that help households go beyond stocking up on food and medical supplies to invest in longer-term protections could overcome the risk perception gap and support adaptation to rising climate-related threats.

What Canadian wildfires signify for climate, public health

Smoke from hundreds of wildfires in eastern Canada shrouded the Northeast and Midwest in a dense ochre haze this month, and more smoke could return to both regions of the United States this week as the conflagrations continue.

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