Accidental discovery may lead to improved polymers

Chemical Engineering Professor Tim Bender and Post-Doctoral Fellow Benoit Lessard's discovery of an unexpected side product of polymer synthesis could have implications for the manufacture of commercial polymers used in sealants, ...

Polymer coating could be breakthrough in diagnostic technology

( —When physics professor Randy Heflin brought his 18-month-old daughter to the pediatrician, he didn't know the visit would provide the motivation for a discovery that could herald a breakthrough in diagnostic ...

Seeking tools for identifying hidden explosives at standoff

The threat to U.S. warfighters from improvised explosive devices (IEDs) is as varied as the makers of IEDs are resourceful in how they design and conceal the explosives. The Department of Defense has developed and deployed ...

Fighting bacteria's strength in numbers

Scientists at The University of Nottingham have opened the way for more accurate research into new ways to fight dangerous bacterial infections by proving a long-held theory about how bacteria communicate with each other.

GIS siting of emergency vehicles improves response time

In an emergency, minutes matter. With this knowledge, University of Georgia researchers developed a new method for determining where emergency vehicle stations should be located. The results of their work could improve ambulance ...

Eradicating dangerous bacteria may cause permanent harm

In the zeal to eliminate dangerous bacteria, it is possible that we are also permanently killing off beneficial bacteria as well, posits Martin Blaser, MD, Frederick H. King Professor of Medicine, professor of Microbiology ...

After insulin pump hacking, lawmakers seek review

(AP) -- Two lawmakers are requesting a review of the government's security standards for wireless medical devices after a diabetic discovered how to remotely reprogram his and other people's insulin pumps.

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