Related topics: hospital

Hospital paid 17K ransom to hackers of its computer network

A Los Angeles hospital paid a ransom of about $17,000 to hackers who infiltrated and disabled its computer network because paying was in the best interest of the hospital and the most efficient way to solve the problem, the ...

Struggling with privacy tradeoffs in digital era

Would you allow your insurance company to monitor your driving for a discount? Or let a "smart thermostat" save energy by tracking your family's movements around your home?

Struggling with privacy tradeoffs in digital era

Would you allow your insurance company to monitor your driving for a discount? Or let a "smart thermostat" save energy by tracking your family's movements around your home?

Horse trots into hospital: It's therapy, no joke (Update)

Two miniature horses trotted into a hospital. Doctors and patients did double-takes when the equine visitors ambled down long corridors in the pediatric unit at Chicago's Rush University Medical Center.

Next-generation remote maintenance with smart data

Siemens is upgrading its central remote-maintenance service to handle large amounts of data and new applications. Through its common Remote Service Platform (cRSP), Siemens serves around 250,000 customer facilities and systems ...

Rice U. parlays sun's saving grace into autoclave (w/ video)

( -- Rice University senior engineering students are using the sun to power an autoclave that sterilizes medical instruments and help solve a long-standing health issue for developing countries.

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