Study finds mass shooters have distinct patterns of buying guns

The increase in gun violence in the United States has put pressure on law enforcement and others to find ways to reduce it. In 2022, there were 647 mass shootings, up from 383 in 2016. There has also been a three-fold increase ...

Do mass shootings cause more mass shootings? Research is divided

Two mass shootings in California last week that killed dozens of people in public spaces, as well as a third attack days earlier that killed six family members in their home, have again raised questions about whether such ...

Drivers of political violence in the United States

A researcher from The Pennsylvania State University published a commentary in the Journal of Public Policy and Marketing that examines four key contemporary "drivers" of political violence in the United States: "toxic" political ...

5 ways to reduce school shootings

After the school shooting in Parkland, Florida, in 2018, psychology professor Paul Boxer and his colleagues reviewed research to see what could be learned from what they refer to as the "science of violence prevention." In ...

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