Social media fueling risky bushmeat sales, study finds

The use of social media by West African vendors to promote the illegal sale of bushmeat should be regulated to help prevent the emergence of diseases transmitted from animals to humans, a new study suggests.

From clickbait to transparency: Reimagining the online world

Polarization, conspiracy theories, fake news: What people see on the Internet is largely determined by the opaque algorithms of just a few corporations. That's a worrying development for democratic societies. But online environments ...

Live streaming enjoyment for multi-screen applications

Researchers have developed the FAMIUM development platform and are using it to create new application scenarios for adaptive video streaming in web browsers. One highlight is that content can be split between several devices ...

Seeing is no longer believing: The manipulation of online images

A peace sign from Martin Luther King, Jr, becomes a rude gesture; President Donald Trump's inauguration crowd scenes inflated; dolphins in Venice's Grand Canal; and crocodiles on the streets of flooded Townsville—all manipulated ...

Hate cancel culture? Blame algorithms

"Cancel culture" has become so pervasive that even former President Barack Obama has weighed in on the phenomenon, describing it as an overly judgmental approach to activism that does little to bring about change.

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