Why Americans believe Obama is a Muslim

There's something beyond plain old ignorance that motivates Americans to believe President Obama is a Muslim, according to a first-of-its-kind study of smear campaigns led by a Michigan State University psychologist.

US journalism has become more subjective: study

U.S.-based journalism has gradually shifted away from objective news and offers more opinion-based content that appeals to emotion and relies heavily on argumentation and advocacy, according to a new RAND Corporation report.

Does the media propagate stereotypes?

The media have a powerful influence on how people view and treat different groups based on gender and ethnicity, as news stories shape people's stereotypes, beliefs, and ultimately behaviors in areas such as education, family, ...

'We care about every worker': Apple CEO

Apple chief executive Tim Cook has responded to media reports alleging harsh working conditions in China for manufacturing employees of the popular gadget-maker.

Apple's pipeline: What's coming next

The most common refrain on Thursday among Apple Inc. investors and analysts was that the resignation of Chief Executive Steve Jobs should not affect the company's pipeline of products that are expected to drive strong earnings ...

Study shows how information sources affect voters

For all the fact-checking and objective reporting produced by major media outlets, voters in the U.S. nonetheless rely heavily on their pre-existing views when deciding if politicians' statements are true or not, according ...

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